Zodiac Signs of Punishment 

1.  Rat and Rabbit

Rat and Rabbit Punishment is an unreasonable punishment. The relationship is easy to dislocate up and down, and it is difficult to reconcile.

If they are a colleague, it will often lead to quarrels and conflicts at work;

If they are a husband and wife, life is vulnerable to setbacks, and the relationship between husband and wife is not harmonious;

If they are family members, the relationship will be weak because of lack of etiquette.


  • Ornaments or mascots of the zodiac ox or pig can be placed at home, and it is better to wear them with you.
  • These two people can make more common friends born in the year of ox or pig.
  • The home decoration can choose green or blue tones.
  • They can breed some goldfish in the living room to activate each other’s fortune.

Rat and Rabbit can breed some goldfish at home

2. Ox, Goat and Dog

The three zodiac signs of Ox, Goat and Dog together are the three punishments of Chou, Wei and Xu, which are mainly manifested in disharmony, like difficulty in respecting each other, and only caring for their own interests rather than others.

If people of these three zodiac signs are colleagues at work, it is easy for one party to be too strong and oppress the other; if these three zodiac signs are relatives, it is often immoral and irresponsible, and family harmony is difficult.


  • The mascot of the zodiac rat can be placed in the bedroom of the ox, and it is best to wear a rat zodiac charm with ox people.
  • People born in the year of goat can place the mascot of the zodiac horse in the bedroom, and it is better to wear a horse zodiac charm with them.
  • Dogs can place objects of the zodiac rabbit in the bedroom, and it is better to wear rabbit zodiac charms with them. 
  • The head of the bed should be placed as far as possible towards the west.
  • The home decoration can choose light gold and white as the main colour.
  • They can wear more gold and silver jewellery.

3. Tiger, Snake and Monkey

Together, the three zodiac signs of tiger, snake and monkey form the three punishments, which are prone to all kinds of troubles and will curb the good luck that should have appeared in the hit. Secondly, gossip is prone to occur, and more work is less rewarding.

If people of these three zodiac signs are together at work, they will secretly compete with each other, and the relationship will be deadlocked. If they are in one family, internal conflicts will continue to rise and intensify, and there will be constant arguments.


  • It is better to place the mascot of the zodiac pig in the bedroom of the tiger, and it is better to wear them with a tiger.
  • People born in the year of the snake should put the objects of the zodiac ox in the bedroom, and it is better to wear those with them.
  • It is better to place the mascot of the zodiac rat in the bedroom of the monkey and wear them with a monkey.
  • The head of the bed should be placed in the south or northeast direction.
  • Choose wooden furniture if it’s possible.

Facing the bed in the south direction

Place the mascot of the zodiac pig in the bedroom of the tiger

4. More

For more zodiac signs relationships please view :

Zodiac signs of six-breaking
Zodiac signs of six-conflict
Zodiac signs of six-harming

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