Are you lucky or unlucky in Your Chinese Zodiac Years

Are you lucky or unlucky in Your Chinese Zodiac Years
(Ben Ming Nian)

According to Chinese Astrology, every year is managed by a guardian God of the Year(Tai Sui). Due to the cycle of the zodiac, every 12 years, people will encounter their own zodiac year. The zodiac year is 12 years old, 24 years old, 36 years old, 48 years old, and 60 years old… In your own zodiac year, you’ll offend the Guardian God of the Year. It is widely believed when your year comes around, you are more likely to encounter problems or difficulties.

Not necessarily unlucky

In fact, the zodiac year does not necessarily mean that those bad things are certain to happen like accidents, loss of property, poor health conditions or natural disasters, but it is true some people are affected greatly by magnetic field forces. Luck is not set in stone. Fortune is constantly changing. Lucky ones become luckier, and the unlucky ones turned unluckier.

Why do some people have bad luck in their zodiac year

According to Chinese numerology, the zodiac is the year branch of the Bazi, accounting for one-eighth, which has a certain influence but not much. But why is it that some people’s zodiac year is very smooth, and other people’s zodiac year is a mess? The main reason is that the Guardian God of the Year will help, support or weaken some people. For example, 2022 is the zodiac year of the Tiger with a strong wood element. Some people will be unlucky if their five-element has too many wood elements. Those people who lack wood elements may get good luck.

The custom of your zodiac year

There are lots of beliefs and customs about your own Chinese Zodiac Years (Ben Ming Nian). Among them, the most famous and widely spread are wearing red things such as red underwear, bags, red belts and red string. They believe that only in this way can they protect themselves from bad luck and avoid disasters,  and be peaceful. Red has become the mainstream colour of the zodiac year. 

Red Things Surround Waist
Red Things Surround Waist

it’s not superstitious, but a tradition in China.

Therefore, on New Year’s Eve, people put on red underwear early or wear red belts, and some accessories such as red silk, and red string to welcome their own zodiac year. Others wear jade or gold accessories to get rid of evil spirits. 

Red Socks
Red Socks
Red Things Surround Wrist

The Chinese lunar new year begins on the new moon, so on the eve of the lunar new year, people in their zodiac year will put on red underwear early to welcome the new year. No wonder You will see red things sold out quickly in the supermarket on Chinese New Year’s eve. It is ideal if you can wear red for a whole year. If you really don’t want to wear red underwear often, or it’s inconvenient to wear some red clothes,  you can also wear a little red on your clothes, or wear a red string on your wrist, the effect is the same. 

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